Ghent European Grand Prix 2017
Schedule and activities
The 23rd stage of the European Grand Prix tournament on Belgian soil will take place on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th of July 2017. Alongside with the tournament there are some other acitivities planned.
- 08:00 - 09:20 Subscriptions tournament
- 08:00 - 09:20 Welcoming coffee and (small) breakfast
- 09:20 First round pairings and announcements
- 09:30 Start tournament
- 12:15 Lunch
- 13:45 Fourth round
- 15:45 Break with refreshments
- 17:45 End of day 1
- 18:30 Organised evening dinner
- 08:15 Welcoming coffee and (small) breakfast
- 09:00 Start tournament (Eight round)
- 12:45 Lunch
- 14:00 Prize ceremony (part 1)
- 14:00 Start finals European Grand Prix and Belgian Championship
- 17:00 End of tournament and prize ceremony (part 2)
European Grand Prix final
- Best of 3 final between the best two players of the preliminary rounds
- Best ranked player after the preliminary rounds can choose colour
- In case of a third game, the player with most discs can choose color in the last game
- In case of a perfect tie after three games, the highest ranked player after the preliminary rounds is declared winner
- Players ranked 3th and 4th after the prelimanary rounds
- Highest ranked player after the preliminary rounds can choose colour (and needs 33 discs to win) or a draw win (opponent chooses colour and needs 33 discs to win)
- Best of 3 final between two highest ranked Belgian/resident players after the preliminary rounds
- Best ranked player after the preliminary rounds can choose colour
- In case of a third game, the player with most discs can choose color in the last game
- In case of a perfect tie after three games, the highest ranked player after the preliminary rounds is declared winner
- In case one Belgian/resident qualifies for the top 4, this player is declared Belgian Champion 2017
- In case two or more Belgian/resident players qualify for the top 4, the player ranked higest after these European Grand Prix finals is declared Belgian Champion 2017. In a rare case that the best two Belgians/residents are ranked 3rd and 4th, the Belgian title will be decided in a single game
- The Belgian Champion 2017 is qualified for the 41st World Othello Championship
- Best of 1 final between two highest ranked Belgian/resident players after the preliminary rounds
- Best ranked player after the preliminary rounds can choose colour (and needs 33 discs to win) or a draw win (opponent chooses colour and needs 33 discs to win)
- In case one Belgian junior qualifies for the top 4, this player is declared Belgian Junior Champion 2017
- In case two or more Belgian juniors players qualify for the top 4, the player ranked higest after these European Grand Prix finals is declared Belgian Junior Champion 2017.
- The Belgian Junior Champion 2017 is qualified for the 41st World Othello Championship
In between round there is the possibility to play the following games:
After the evening dinner we foresee one guided activity:
- Speed Way Othello
- 8 stars Othello
- Grand Othello
After the evening dinner we foresee one guided activity:
- Trip to Arena snooker and pool to play some games (1,8 km away from tournament venue)