The World Othello federation And Office Wish You A Happy 2017!
Othello History: from boy to dinosaur
Emmanuel Lazard participated at a tournament for computer programmers in September 1981 at the age of 13.
As far as he can remember, his program won 2 or 3 games out of 7. One of the wins was against a pogram developed by Jaques Ovion. He was presented with a beautiful lithograph, award for the youngest competitor. It stands on his deks till today. Emmanuel recently shared this as a "memory of one of the old dinosaurs". |
Takanori Oshimizu wins 5th Mito Endurance TournamentLocation: Mito, Japan
Date: December 25th Tourney format: 18 rounds, 15 minutes, 15 players Link: JOA website After a wonderful WOC in their town last November, Mito Othello district had its final tournament of the year on December 25th. A staggering 18 round tournament! Takanori Oshimizu won the tournament with 14 wins, 2 losses and 2 draws. Second place for Kazuhito Nagashima who scored 12 wins, 4 losses and 2 draws. |
KIM Seongchan 20-44 LEE Kwangwook
1st AR Othello Tourney Result
Ondřej Bělovský wins Elementary school christmas tournament
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Date: December 20th
Date: December 20th
Edward Y. Liu wins Othello Software showdown
From University of Toronto, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering website
Edward Y. Liu —the proud winner of this year’s APS105 Showdown.
The APS105 Showdown—currently in its third year—is an annual event where students of the first year computer programming course, APS105, write software programs to compete against each other. This year, as part of the course, each student wrote an algorithm to solve the complex Reversi game. Eight finalists were selected out of the 38 who made it past the rigorous selection process.
An ecstatic crowd massed in the atrium of the Bahen Centre for Information Technology on the evening of Dec. 3, 2015. Spectators enjoyed pizza and pop as they cheered their favourite players on. At the end of the semi-finals, Steven Shizhang Yin and Liu’s names were on everyone’s lips as they were both unbeaten. Their faceoff would be the much-awaited bout.
Yin snagged second prize with a thrilling finish that had even the instructors gaping. When asked how he got so far, Yin answered, “I was looking four steps ahead… I was willing to lose positions but make my opponent have less mobility.”
Yin and Liu are good friends who shared ideas and played their programs against each other prior to the competition. Liu said he had never beaten Yin and his motivation to do so just once might have been instrumental in his winning. His persistence paid off as he won one game against Yin to tie off their winnings at five each. Liu captured first place with an average program-thinking time of 698 milliseconds against Yin’s 834milliseconds. Ivan Co took home third place.
Edward Y. Liu —the proud winner of this year’s APS105 Showdown.
The APS105 Showdown—currently in its third year—is an annual event where students of the first year computer programming course, APS105, write software programs to compete against each other. This year, as part of the course, each student wrote an algorithm to solve the complex Reversi game. Eight finalists were selected out of the 38 who made it past the rigorous selection process.
An ecstatic crowd massed in the atrium of the Bahen Centre for Information Technology on the evening of Dec. 3, 2015. Spectators enjoyed pizza and pop as they cheered their favourite players on. At the end of the semi-finals, Steven Shizhang Yin and Liu’s names were on everyone’s lips as they were both unbeaten. Their faceoff would be the much-awaited bout.
Yin snagged second prize with a thrilling finish that had even the instructors gaping. When asked how he got so far, Yin answered, “I was looking four steps ahead… I was willing to lose positions but make my opponent have less mobility.”
Yin and Liu are good friends who shared ideas and played their programs against each other prior to the competition. Liu said he had never beaten Yin and his motivation to do so just once might have been instrumental in his winning. His persistence paid off as he won one game against Yin to tie off their winnings at five each. Liu captured first place with an average program-thinking time of 698 milliseconds against Yin’s 834milliseconds. Ivan Co took home third place.
from Static Site to Responsive WebsiteThe new design of the Othello News website is not just a new look, the main goal is to make the website more accessible. The spectrum of screen sizes and resolutions is widening every day, and that problem is resolved by responsive web design. Othello News on your computer, laptop, tablet, phone an maybe even on your wristwatch.
As always, when you solve a problem, there is a chance that you create new ones. Mail me, I love to receive your comments and will address any problems as soon as possible. |
Fabricio silva wins Torneio de Othello "Ludus di Natale 2016"
Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date: December 18th Format: 5 rounds 15 minutes Links: FB event page, pictures, video1, video2 Ten players at this Christmas Othello tournament in Ludus bar in Sao Paulo this was a tournament to celebrate a year of many achievements for the sport. Once again the champion was Fabricio Silva. |
Leong Chee Kit wins Othello Singapore masters series
Singapore Othello Masters Series is underway! Due to some unforseen circumstances, Alex Koh and Sky Chong couldn't turn up due to illness. Ching Wuen steps in after he couldn't make it initially. Some post-WOC catch up over here with the players. Hakim steps up to Division One while Ming Han is the new entry for Division Two.
After an uneventful first round, round two pits Koh "I-will-not-lose-in-singapore-anymore" Bo Xiang vs his nemesis Leong Chee Kit. After a very interesting fight Chee Kit won 34-30. Hoping to post a transcript up soon.
After round 5, division one seems headed for a close finish. Kenneth Paw is leading the pack but has yet to play Chew Ching Wuen and Wu Jin Feng, Ching Wuen has yet to play Kenneth and Hakim, Jin Feng has yet to play Kenneth and Chee Kit. If none of them gets to 6 wins, most likely Koh Bo Xiang will win with 5 wins again. |
Alessandro Di Mattei wins Città di Roma 2016 - V Tappa
Leonardo Caviola won the Città di Roma 2016
Location: Rome, Italy
Date: December 11th Format: 5 rounds swiss Link: FNGO website Aessandro won all his 5 games. He started the tourney with a very comfortable 64-0 win against Antonio Pantani. His other opponents did not do much better. In total his 5 opponents won only 58 discs. Leonardo Caviola is the overall winner of the Città di Roma 2016. He collected points in all 5 stages. Congrats Leonardo! I am very happy to have won the "City of Rome Grand Prix" where I played along with many Italian champions (Di Mattei, Sperandio, Marconi, Scognamiglio) often participants W.O.C. |
Yoshinori Umezawa wins 71st Niigata Open
Location: Niigata, Japan
Date: December 11th Format: 5 rounds swiss Yoshinori Umezawa won with 5 wins, no losses. Second place for World Othello Champion 1985 and 1994, Masaki Takizawa who won the 70th Niigata Open earlier this year in April. 1勝 梅沢 佳紀 五段(Yoshinori Umezawa) 5勝0敗 2 位 滝沢 雅樹 九段(Masaki Takizawa) 4勝1敗 3 位 佐藤 久和 四段(Hisakazu Sato) 4勝1敗 4 位 長尾 広人 六段(Hiroto Nagao) 4勝1敗 5 位 藍原 重朗 三段(Shigeaki Aihara) 3勝2敗 6 位 後藤 雅宏 四段(Masahiro Goto) 3勝2敗 7 位 神田 吉浩 四段(Yoshihiro Kanda) 3勝2敗 8 位 梅澤 志帆 1級(Shiho Umezawa) 3勝2敗 9 位 田辺 知己 1級(Tomoki Tanabe) 3勝2敗 10 位 小原 宏昭 3級(Hiroaki Obara) 3勝2敗 ←1級取得 11 位 衛藤 理壱 2級(Riichi Eto) 3勝2敗 ←1級取得 12 位 小林 俊次郎 初段(Syunjiro Kobayashi) 2勝3敗 13 位 小原 大翔 初段(Hiroto Obara) 2勝3敗 14 位 小林 学 二段(Manabu Kobayashi) 2勝3敗 15 位 岩坂 龍次 初段(Ryuji Iwasaka) 2勝3敗 16 位 梅澤 里帆 1級(Riho Umezawa) 2勝3敗 17 位 見崎 彩人 6級(Ayato Misaki) 2勝3敗 18 位 桧垣 俊介(Syunsuke Higaki) 2勝3敗 ←2級取得 19 位 渡辺 泰央 2級(Yasuo Watanabe) 2勝3敗 20 位 今泉 悠希(Yuuki Imaizumi) 1勝4敗 21 位 中村 祐介(Yusuke Nakamura) 0勝5敗 22 位 手島 功遥(Kouyou Tejima) 0勝5敗 |
Takamune Iijima wins 90th Sendai Open
Location: Sendai, Japan
Date: December 11th Format: 6 rounds swiss Link: JOA website A very small tournament at Sendai with only 4 players. Takamune Iijima was the best player at this tournament with 5 wins and 1 loss against Chiaki Wada who is the younger brother of the 2016 Junior World Othello Champion Masaki Wada. Final result:
IIJIMA Takamune - WADA Chiaki Sendai Cup |
Imre Leader wins Cambridge Christmas Othello Tournament
Takuji Kashiwabara wins Tournoi de NoëlLocation: Paris, France
Date: December 10th Format: 5 rounds Link: LiveOthello, FFO website Takuji won the FFO's last tournament in 2016 with a perfect score of 5 wins. Second place for Stéphane Nicolet, who worked so hard in Mito at the WOC. Maybe he picked up some tricks from all the hundreds of game transcripts that he made available for all of us online? He shares the second place with Marc Bertrandias. The Christmas touch was added by lots of clementines and chocolates. None to be seen on the pictures that Andriani sent me. Did they eat all even before the first round started? 1: 5 pts [203] Takuji KASHIWABARA (839) {FRA} 2: 4 pts [221] Stéphane NICOLET (433) {FRA} [212] Marc BERTRANDIAS (50075) {FRA} 4: 3 pts [219] Marc TASTET (2) {FRA} [180] Thierry LEVY-ABEGNOLI (3598) {FRA} [155] Dominique BETIN (419) {FRA} 7: 2 pts [170] Bintsa ANDRIANI (45) {MDG} [145] Monique LECAT (2788) {BEL} [134] Michel BUSUTTIL (228) {FRA} [133] Fouad TOUCHENE (9025) {FRA} [125] Eric LE MORVAN (50052) {FRA} [121] Serge BENOIT (3600) {FRA} 13: 1 pt [102] Gilles CLUZON (3734) {FRA} |
Mario Madrona wins Spanish National Othello Championship 2016
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Date: December 10th Format: 10 rounds Link: pictures by Mario, Asociación Española de Jugadores de Othello website Five players at the 13th Spanish Championship Othello. There was no Spanish Othello Championship in 2015. The 2014 edition was won by Borja Moreno. A list of Spanish National Othello Champions since 1992 can be found here. Final result:
Takeshi Murakami wins 112th Shinagawa Seaside Challenge CupLocation: Tokyo, Japan
Date: December 10th Format: 6 rounds swiss Report: by Yukiko Tatsumi Link: Murakami blog 11 players came to Shinagawa for Advanced division. Also, 11 players for Intermediate division. Final result top 5 for advanced division:
Final result for Intermediate division: Rintaro Nakamura wins with 5 wins and 1 loss. He was promoted to 2 dan. Congratulations! |
MURAKAMI Takeshi 30-34 HISHIYAMA Yuichi Shinagawa Challenge Cup, round 3 |
SUEKUNI Makoto 22-42 MURAKAMI Takeshi Shinagawa Challenge Cup, round 5 |
NAKAJIMA Tetsuya 22-42 MURAKAMI Takeshi Shinagawa Challenge Cup, round 6 |
Yukiko Tatsumi wins 28th Kawasaki Open
Imre Leader wins the Morning After Tournament
Location: Doncaster, UK
Date: December 3rd
Format: 7 rounds
Links: SOF website
Othello News can not tell you what happened The Night Before, but....... The Morning After Tournament was won by Imre Leader with 7 points. Runner-up was Roy Arnold who scored 5 points.
Ranking of the 6 players after round 7:
1: 7 pts [324] LEADER Imre (79)
2: 5 pts [269] ARNOLD Roy (2006)
3: 4 pts [266] BARRASS Iain (2047)
4: 3 pts [195] KYTE Bruce (2078)
5: 2 pts [160] FORSYTH Iain (76)
6: 0 pt [130] HAIGH David (189)
Date: December 3rd
Format: 7 rounds
Links: SOF website
Othello News can not tell you what happened The Night Before, but....... The Morning After Tournament was won by Imre Leader with 7 points. Runner-up was Roy Arnold who scored 5 points.
Ranking of the 6 players after round 7:
1: 7 pts [324] LEADER Imre (79)
2: 5 pts [269] ARNOLD Roy (2006)
3: 4 pts [266] BARRASS Iain (2047)
4: 3 pts [195] KYTE Bruce (2078)
5: 2 pts [160] FORSYTH Iain (76)
6: 0 pt [130] HAIGH David (189)
Daniel Turunen wins Jönköping Open
Location: Jönköping, Sweden
Date: December 3rd Format: 7 rounds Links: SOF website A great and fun weekend in Jönköping with events and tourneys in Othello, Go, Renju, Go-moko, Pente, Mathematics, Memory, Sudoku, Crosswords and more. It was a small but fun festival that will certainly expand over the next years. Daniel won his game in the first 6 rounds of the regular Othello tournament but lost against Arvid Kjellberg in round 7. Just a half point behind him Caroline Odsell and Henry Aspenryd who played a draw in round 7. |