Othello News October 2011
Joanna William - Matt Vinar Final |
Matt Vinar wins Australian Othello ChampionshipSydney, October 15th
Matt Vinar won his 7th Australian Othello Champion title. He went undefeated in the tournament but had a draw in round 4 against Joanna William of Singapore. Matt and Joanna met again in the final and the defending Aussie champion won 28 - 36. Standings after 5 rounds :
Niklas Wettergren wins Stockholm XOT tourney
Niklas Wettergren 3.5 pts
Benkt Steentoft 2.5 pts Veronica Stenberg 2 pts Henry Aspenryd 2 pts Simon Ingelman Sundberg 0 pts Svenska Othello Förbundet organised an XOT tournament for players that like the idea of playing random openings. The XOT tool can be found here: http://xot.xmav.eu/index.php?lang=en |
From Takeshi Murakami's Othello blog
In a Japanese TV show, Yusuke Takanashi, the World Othello Champion 2009 and 2010, played an interesting game against a famous comedian. Of course Yusuke Takanashi would easily win any normal game, so they set up a very interesting opening position. But Yusuke Takanashi won in spite of the handicap (black) 36 - 28 . Many people watched that TV show, there were a lot of reactions from viewers. This shows, Othello is fun!!!!
Tim Krzywonos qualified for Canadian WOC team

The results of the elimination round for the third Canadian spot for the World Othello Championship held in Toronto on October 2nd are:
Adam Mroueh 8 - 55 Tim Krzywonos
Tim Krzywonos 49 - 15 Adam Mroueh
Tim Krzywonos wins the third spot and Adam Mroueh is a backup if Jacky Fu, Galo Carrera or Tim Krzywonos cannot attend. Tim played at the World Othello Championship 5 times before, in 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
Adam Mroueh 8 - 55 Tim Krzywonos
Tim Krzywonos 49 - 15 Adam Mroueh
Tim Krzywonos wins the third spot and Adam Mroueh is a backup if Jacky Fu, Galo Carrera or Tim Krzywonos cannot attend. Tim played at the World Othello Championship 5 times before, in 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
Michael Handel wins first Jakarta Othello Open 2011
Jakarta Indonesia, October 1 - 2
1. Michael Handel [UK] 2. Romy Hidayat 3. Burhan Asikin 4. Giovanni Barricelli Final Romy Hidayat 23 - 41 Michael Handel Michael Handel 32 - 32 Romy Hidayat Romy Hidayat 34 - 30 Michael Handel Day 1: Michael Handel was the best player at the end of the six rounds played on day 1, he won all 6 of his games. Second place Romy Hidayat with 5 wins. Third place Burhan Asikin with 4 points. Johnny Barricelli won 4 games and the playoff for 4th place. |
pictures by G. Barricelli